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Корпоративный стиль

Корпоративный стиль

Подробно о расположении и реквизитах на бланках зарубежных компаний

Корпоративный стиль определяет восприятие компании ее партнерами, заказчиками и общественностью. Поэтому выработка единых стандартов в зарубежных корпорациях всегда находится под пристальным вниманием руководства, а разработкой стиля всегда занимаются специальные дизайнерские студии. В этой статье мы приводим только общие принципы оформления и содержание элементов корпоративного стиля.

Элементы корпоративного стиля

  1. Логотип (эмблема) компании -  Company logo
  2. Шрифт для оформления текстовой части формуляров - Typography
  3. Бланк письма -  Letterheads
  4. Бланк визитной карточки - Business cards
  5. Бланк конверта - Envelopes
  6. Бланк благодарственной записки - Compliments slips
  7. Бланк факсимильного сообщения - Fax cover sheet
  8. Принципы оформления корпоративных презентаций - Presentations

Ниже мы публикуем отрывки из текста справочника, предварительно убрав упоминание компании, поскольку компания является действующей. Сам текст может послужить хорошим пособием для тех, кто занимается разработкой и описанием фирменного стиля. Материал не адаптирован, поэтому от читателя потребуется знание  специальных терминов и знакомство с техническими аспектами изготовления формуляров и шаблонов. Если у вас возникнуть вопросы, мы будем рады помочь найти ответ.


The way in which <...> presents itself to its investors, partners and general public influences the image people form of the Company. Through our publications,presentations, advertising, promotional material and stationery it is important to promote a consistent and unified standard which will enhance our image and reputation. The Corporate Identity Manual provides those standards which will make sure a strong visual corporate identity is maintained.We can assure a consistent identity by strictly following the standards laid out in this manual especially in regard to the use of the <...> logo which is our registered trademark. Any questions, special requests by outside organisations to use the logo should be referred to Head of Corporate Communications for approval. Questions of a technical nature should be directed to Chief Draughtsman. Both are located in the <...> office.Your cooperation in this matter is much appreciated.

Corporate logo

The logo is a registered trade mark and is the only logo that should be used to represent the company. Subsidiary companies are not permitted their own logos.It is important that the logo is used in a correct and consistent manner. Do not try to recreate the logo using manual or computer graphics. Only approved digital files should be used. 

The coloured logo should be used wherever practical. For applications where the finished product will be in black and white there is a black and white logo supplied in various formats. 

When increasing or decreasing the logo size always scale the X and Y axis uniformly. Scaling one axis more or less than the other is incorrect and visually unacceptable.Increasing the scale factor of the  raster format images can have a negative effect on their appearance and in general should not be attempted. Decreasing the scale factor of the raster format images has no negative effect on their appearance. The vector format files can be scaled to any size without their appearance being effected.

Special care should be taken when placing the logo on coloured backgrounds. Because of the shape of the logo, certain file types (e.g. JPG and BMP) create a white background at each end of the logo, which is visually unacceptable (Use Gif instead). 

See below for recommendations of file types to use for different applications.

Logo file formats

  • Raster: GIF, JPG, BMP, TIF, PNG 
  • Vector: EPS, DWG, DXF, WMF, AI, CDR

Recommendations for use

  • Microsoft applications (Word, Powerpoint etc.): WMF or GIF
  • Printing/page layout applications: EPS
  • Illustration applications (Illustrator, Corel Draw etc.): EPS
  • Engineering applications (Microstation, AutoCad etc.): DXF- Sign writing: EPS
  • HTML applications: GIF


The company uses a number of typefaces to communicate in a clear and concise manner. The consistent use of these fonts is important to the overall identification of the company.

For normal office use in letters, reports etc.. the Verdana family of fonts should be used. As a general rule you should not use this font over 10 pt.For added design versatility and contrast the Micro typeface can be used in titles or headings.

For presentations Chainlink Semi Bold Oblique should be used for slide titles and the Arial, Helvetica, or Myriad Pro family of fonts for the body text.


Letterheads should be formatted as per the example below. For subsidiaries who are required by law to have additional information on their letterhead e.g. registered office/number, this can be located at the bottom of the page. For external printing of a subsidiary letterhead, provide the print shop with the logo file. Please note that the measurements are based on A4 size paper.



Business Cards 

Business cards should be formatted as per the example below. Dimensions and font details are shown in the picture. For external printing of business cards, provide the print shop with the company logo file and either a hard copy or the PDF file of this description. Business cards should be printed on white Ivory' paper or similar (playing card type paper) with a weight of approximately 240 gsm. A rubber based ink can be used to give an embossed effect.


Business Card

Business Card


Envelopes should be formatted as per the examples below. The logo and text should be placed at the bottom left hand corner of the envelope. The logo and font dimensions should remain the same for envelope sizes C6/C5, C5 and C4 (the most commonly used sizes) but may be slightly enlarged for larger envelopes should they be required. 

The placement of the logo and text on C6/C5 and C5 sizes are shown in Figure 7.1l. The logo and text should be placed slightly higher from the bottom edge of the envelope for C4 size (see Figure 7.2). Should a "return to sender" address be required on the envelope, this should be printed on the flap on the back of the envelope.For external printing of envelopes, provide the printshop with the company logo file and either a hard copy or the PDF file of this manual.

Envelop C5

Envelop C5

Envelop C4

Envelop C4

Compliments slips

Compliments slips should be formatted as per the example below. Dimensions and font details are shown in Figure 8.2. For external printing of compliments slips, provide the print shop with the company logo file. 

Envelop C5

Envelop C5

Compliments slips layout

Compliments slips layout

Fax coven sheet

Fax cover sheets should be formatted as per the example below. A Microsoft Word document could be used as a template which can be amended to suit subsidiary details. Please note that the measurements are based on A4 size paper.

Fax Cover Sheet

Fax Cover Sheet

Paper and Envelope Standard Sizes

The "A" and "C" sizes quoted for stationery items in the manual are standard sizes recommended by the International Standards Organisation (ISO). The "A" series is used to define a page size while the "C" series is used to define envelope size.

  • A0 841 x 1189 mm
  • A1 594 x 841 mm
  • A2 420 x 594 mm
  • A3 297 x 420 mm
  • A4 210 x 297 mm
  • A5 148 x 210 mm
  • A6 105 x 148 mm
  • A7 74 x 105 mm
  • C4 324 x 229 mm
  • C5 229 x 162 mm
  • C5/C6 114 x 229 mm
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