Page 391 - English Grammar in Use
P. 391


             stop                           the  72–78                     turn
               stop + -ing  53, 56A           the and a/an  72, 73A          turn out  139
               stop someone (from) + -ing  53C, 62B,   the sea, the sky etc.  73C  turn on/off  137D, 140A
                66D                           the cinema, the theatre etc.  73D  turn up  142A, 143E
             stupid (stupid of someone to do   school / the school  74       turn down  142
                something) 65B, 130A          children / the children  75  two–word verbs see phrasal verbs
             subjunctive  34B                 the + adjective (the young etc.)  76B  typical (of )  131A
               American English  Appendix 7   the + nationality word (the French etc.)
                                                                           uncountable nouns  69–70
             succeed (in + -ing)  62A, 66D, 136A  76C                      understand (how/what + to …)  54D
             such                             the with geographical names  77
                                                                           university (university / the university)
               such and so  102               the with streets, buildings etc.  78  74B
               such as  117A                  the + comparative (the sooner, the
                                                                           unless  115A
             suffer (from)  135C               better)  106D               until (or till)
             suggest                          the + superlative (the oldest etc.)  108B
                                                                             until + present simple / present perfect
               suggest + should  34A–C, 55B  there (and it)  84               25A–B
               suggest + -ing  53, 54A, 56A   there’s no point in …  63A
                                                                             until and by  120B
             superlative (longest/best etc.)  108  there will/must/should etc.  84B  up (verb + up)  137, 142–144
             suppose (I suppose so/not)  51D  there is + -ing or -ed  97C
                                                                           upset (about)  130B
             supposed (He is supposed to …)  45B  they/them/their (used for somebody/   use (it’s no use + -ing)  63A
             sure                              anybody/nobody/everybody)  85E,
               sure + to …  65E, 84B           86C, 90D                      used to do  18
               sure of/about  131B          think
                                                                             be/get used to  61
             surprised                        I think and I’m thinking  4B   I am used to doing and I used to do
               surprised + to …  65C          I think so, I don’t think so  51D
                                                                              18F, 61D
               surprised and surprising  98   think of + -ing  54A, 62A, 66D  usually (position of usually)  110
               surprised at/by  130C          think about and think of  134B
             suspect (of )  62B, 135A       though  113E                   verbs see also present, past, future,
             suspicious (of )  131A           as though  118                  passive etc.
                                              even though  112D, 113E        verbs not used in continuous tenses
             tags (question tags)  52
                                            threaten (+ to …)  54A, 56A       4A, 6E, 10D, 16D, 17A
             take                           throw                            list of irregular verbs
               take care of   133C
                                              throw to/at  132D               Appendix 1.4
               take somebody in  138B         throw away  137D, 145B         present and past tenses
               take off  140
                                            till see until                    Appendix 2
               take down  142A              time                             verbs + -ing and verbs + to …
               take up  143
                                              it’s the first time I’ve …  8C  (infinitive)  53–59
             talk                             it’s time …  35C               verb + preposition  62, 132–136
               talk to somebody  132A
                                              countable or uncountable noun  70A  phrasal verbs (break down / get on
               talk about something  62A, 133A
             taste                            on time and in time  122A       etc.)  137–145
               with the present simple or can  4C  tired and tiring  98    wait (for)  133B
               taste + adjective  99C                                      want (+ to …)  55A, 66D
                                              tired of  130C
             teach                          to + infinitive (to be / to do etc.) see   warn (+ to …)  55B
               teach in passive sentences  44A                             was/were  5D
               teach somebody how to do something  54D  to  126              was/were -ing (past continuous)  6
               teach + to …  55B                                             was/were going to  20D
                                              to + -ing  60C
             telephone see phone              noun + to  129D                was/were able to  26D
             tell                                                            was and were in if sentences  39C
                                              adjective + to  130A, 131B
               tell in passive sentences  44A  verb + to  132, 136D        waste (waste time + -ing)   63D
               tell and say  48C                                           weather (uncountable noun)  70B
                                            too and enough  103
               tell someone to do something  48D, 55B  top (at the top)  124C  well  101A
               tell someone what to do  54D                                were (used with I/he/she/it)  39C,
                                            translate (from/into)  136B
               tell someone off  141C                                         118D
             temporal clauses (when clauses)  25  travel (uncountable noun)  70B  what
                                            trouble (have trouble doing something)
             tend (+ to …)  54A                63C                           what in questions  49
             than  105, 107                                                  what … for?  64C
             thank (for)  62B, 132B, 135B     try + to … or -ing  57A        What … ! (exclamations)  71A–B
             that                                                            what and that (relative clauses)  92D,
                                              try out  139C
               said that  47B                 try on  140C                    93D
               in relative clauses  92–94                                    what and which (relative clauses)
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