Page 326 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 326

page 13                                                      4    1 The boss  2  I  3  Bread     4  Andy
                                                                                 5  Sophy and Ian  6  You  7  Our cat
               7    1 is  2  is  3  are   4  has  5  was   6  were not           8 That child  9  All those buses  10  My father

                    7 did not have  8  was  9  is  10      has  11 has
                    12  is  13  is  14  is  15  has  16  does not           page 17
                    have  17  has  18  is  19  has  20  has

                                                                            1    1 play  2  speaks  3  ask  4  goes  5  make
               8    1 true  2  false 3  true  4  true    5  false                6  forget  7  listen  8  lives  9  watch  10  get

                    6 true  7  false 8  false  9  false    10  true
                                                                            2    1thinks; knows  2  studies      3  tries  4  wear

               page 14                                                           5 washes  6  work  7  says       8  sits  9  watches
                                                                                 10  want
               1    1 Where  2  I  3  Are  4  has  5  is  6  am

                    7  won't  8  am  9  is  10  is  11  have                page 18
                    12  Does  13  Have  14  Will you be  15  I'm
                    not  16  How  17  have  18  will be                     1    1 You do not speak very good Chinese.

                    19  have  20  are                                            2  Bill / He does not play the guitar very well.

                                                                                 3  We do not agree about holidays.

               2    1   ,/,  ,    2  /   3  /   4  /   5 /                       4  George and Andrew do not live near me.
                    6/   7  /   8  /   9 /   1 0 /                               5  My father/He does not write poetry.
                                                                                 6  Barbara / She does not live in London.
               3    1 Is there a taxi outside?  2  Has Chris got a               7  Henry / He does not like parties.

                    headache?  3  Joe doesn't have a car.
                    4  Did Ann have a meeting yesterday?                    2    1 doesn't stop at Cardiff.  2  I don't like pop

                    5  I didn't have coffee for breakfast.                       music.  3  He / Peter doesn't remember faces
                    6  Will there be an English lesson tomorrow?                 very well.  4  We don't know his wife.  5  She/
                    7  I'm not hungry.  8  Petra hasn't got a new car.           Alice doesn't teach mathematics.  6  They/The
                    9  Did she have a nice time at the party?                    children don't play hockey on Mondays.  7  They
                   10  Has the house got a big garden?                           /The shops don't open on Sunday afternoons.

               4    1 Is Rosemary from London?  2  Will we be               3    1 Our cat doesn't/does not like fish.

                    early?  3  Was Sarah at home?  4  Does Karim                 2  Melinda doesn't / does not speak Russian.
                    have/Has Karim got a cold?  5  Is your car fast?             3  I don't / do not remember your phone number.
                    6  Will the manager be in America?  7  Were Tim              4  Oranges don't / do not grow in Britain.
                    and Anna students?  8  What time will you have               5  The postman doesn't / does not come on
                    lunch today?  9  Will you be here tomorrow?                    Sundays.
                    10  Were those people American?                              6  We don't / do not play much tennis.

               page 16                                                      page 19

               1    +-s:  cooks, drinks, lives, reads, runs, smokes,        4    1 don't like  2  doesn't speak

                    stands, starts, writes   + -es: fetches, fixes,              3  don't remember  4  don't know
                    misses, pushes, touches, watches, wishes                     5  doesn't want  6  don't want  7  doesn't work
                                                                                 8  don't think
               2    + -s:  enjoys, plays, stays, tries
                     - y > -ies:  copies, fries, marries, studies
                                                                            page 20

               3    1 I live in that house.  2  Kim works in a bank.

                    3  Claire plays the violin very badly.  4  Those        1    1 Does  2  Do  3  Do  4  Does
                    children come from Scotland.  5  You look very               5  Does  6  Do

               In these answers, we usually give either contracted forms (for example I'm, don't)               ANSWER KEY  311
               or full forms (for example / am, do not). Normally both are correct.
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