Page 338 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 338
2 1 Can you open the door? pa ge 8 9
2 Could you give me an envelope?
3 Can you pass me the sugar? 1 1 Most people used to travel on foot or on
4 Could you watch my children for a minute? horses.
5 Could you tell me the time? 2 Most people didn't use to go to school.
6 Could you possibly change some dollars for me? 3 Most people didn't use to learn to read.
7 Can you wait outside? 4 Most people used to cook on wood fires.
8 Could you possibly translate this letter for me? 5 Most people didn't use to live very long.
9 Can you come back tomorrow? 6 Most people used to work very long hours.
10 Could you say it in English?
2 1 Emily used to study German. Now she studies
3 'Miss Ellis, could you come in here and pass me French. 2 Paul used to live in London. Now he
my coffee?' lives in Glasgow. 3 Grace used to read a lot.
Now she watches TV. 4 Dan used to be a driver.
pa ge 8 7 Now he's a hairdresser. 5 Alice used to drink
coffee. Now she drinks tea. 6 Peter used to have
1 1 What shall I buy for Sandra's birthday? lots of girlfriends. Now he's married.
2 When shall I phone you? 3 Shall I pay now?
4 Shall I clean the bathroom? 5 How many 3 1 Did you use to have dark hair? 2 Did you use
tickets shall I buy? 6 Where shall I leave the car? to play football? 3 Where did you use to work?
7 What time shall I come this evening? 4 Did you use to enjoy your work?
8 Shall I shut the windows? 9 When shall I go 5 Did you use to go to a lot of parties?
shopping? 10 Shall I get your coat?
pa ge 9 0
2 1 Shall we go out this evening? 2 Shall we
have a game of cards? 3 How shall we travel to
London? 4 What shall we do at the weekend? 1 1 Can he swim?
5 Where shall we go on holiday? 6 Shall we 2 Must she go immediately?
look for a hotel? 7 What time shall we meet 3 but he may not go this week.
Peter? 8 How much bread shall we buy? 4 She doesn't have to work on Thursday evening.
9 Shall we have a party? 10 When shall we 5 Can he play hockey?
have the next meeting? 6 Should she see the secretary today?
7 She couldn't read when she was three.
3 1 Shall I post your letters? 2 Shall I do your 8 Would he like it now?
shopping? 3 Shall I make your bed? 4 Shall I 9 but we might not take the children.
read to you? 5 Shall I drive you to the station? 10 I must not go to sleep.
6 Shall I make you a cup of tea? 7 Shall I clean
your car? 8 Shall I phone your secretary? 2 1 I will be able to speak French 2 Everybody
9 Shall I cut your hair? 10 Shall I bring you an had to fill in a big form 3 Everybody will
aspirin? have to fill in a big form 4 Will you be able
to play the guitar 5 Did you have to wear a
pa ge 8 8 tie 6 John couldn't read very well 7 We
won't be able to buy a car 8 I had to see the
1 1 I'd like a blackT-shirt, please. 2 Would doctor 9 Everybody will be able to say what
you like an aspirin? 3 Would you like the they think 10 couldn't sing; won't be able to
newspaper? 4 I'd like an ice cream, please. sing
5 Would you like some more toast?
6 I'd like a receipt, please.
3 1 Would 2 Yes, please. 3 like 4 Would
5 'd like 6 Yes, I do. 7 would like 8 don't
9 wouldn't 10 'd like.
In these answers, we usually give either contracted forms (for example I'm, don't) ANSWER KEY 323
or full forms (for example lam, do not). Normally both are correct.