Page 12 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 12

mustn't and don't have to                                    negatives  Dogs can't fly.  I don't know why. 112-113
                  We mustn't wake the baby.                         77     not and no                                          114
               had to, will have to  I didn't have to pay.          78      negatives with nobody, never etc
               should  What should I tell John?                     79         Nobody loves me.                                115

               can  He can play the piano.                          80     questions and negatives: more practice         116-117
               could; be able to                                           questions and negatives: revision test              118
                  She couldn't write. I'll be able to drive soon.   81

               may and might                                                SECTION 9  infinitives and -ing forms
                  It may snow.  I might have a cold.            82-83          pages 119-138
               can, could and may: permission                              grammar summary                                     119

                  Can I use the phone?                          84-85       infinitives: using to  I want to go.  Must you go? 120
               can/couldyou?: requests                                      infinitive of purpose
                  Can you lend me a stamp?                          86         She wen t to Paris to study music.              121

               shall in questions  What shall we do?                87     verb + infinitive  / hope to be an airline pilot A 22-123
               would  Would you like a drink? I'd like to be taller. 88    verb + object + infinitive
               used to  I used to play the piano.                   89         He wants me to cook.                       124-125
               modal verbs: more practice                       90-91      it with infinitive subjects

               modal verbs: revision test                           92         It's nice to be here with you.             126-127
                                                                           adjective + infinitive
               SECTION 7  passives  pages 93-102                               glad to find you at home                        128

               grammar summary                                      93     adjectives with enough/to + infinitive
               passives: introduction                                          too tired to sing                               129
                  English is spoken in Australia.                   94      noun/pronoun + infinitive
               simple present passive                                          some letters to write                           130

                  We are woken by the birds.                        95     -ing forms as subjects  Smoking is bad for you. 131
               future passive                                               preposition +  Thank you for com/'ng. 132-133
                  Tomorrow your bicycle will be stolen.             96     verb + .. .ing  I can't help feeling unhappy.  134-135

               simple past passive                                          infinitives and -ing forms: more practice     136-137
                  I  was stopped by a policeman.                    97      infinitives and -ing forms: revision test          138
               present progressive passive  It's being cleaned. 98
               present perfect passive                                      SECTION  10  special structures with verbs

                  The house has been sold.                          99         pages 139-150
               passives: more practice                       100-101       grammar summary                                     139
               passives: revision test                             102     structures with get

                                                                               get up  get your coat it's getting cold         140
               SECTION 8  questions and negatives                          verbs with prepositions     Wait for me.            141
                  pages 103-118                                             phrasal verbs
               grammar summary                                     103         Come in, take off your coat and sit down.  142-143

               yes/no questions                                            verbs with two objects
                  Is the taxi here? Do I need a visa?        104-105           Take the boss these letters.                    144

               question words  When will you see her?        106-107       have something done
               question-word subjects                                          I  have my hair cut every week.                 145
                  Who phoned?  What happened?                108-109        imperatives  Come in.  Don't worry.                146
               questions with long subjects                                let's (suggestions)  Let’s go.                      147

                  Are Ann and her mother coming?                   110     special structures with verbs: more practice148-149
               prepositions in questions                                   special structures with verbs: revision test        150
                  Who did you go with ?                            I l l

                                                                                                              LIST OF  UNITS       xi
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