Page 7 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
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Who is this book for?
The Oxford English Grammar Course (Basic Level) is for all elementary and pre-intermediate learners who
want to improve their knowledge of English grammar.
What kind of English does the book teach?
This book teaches the grammar of spoken and written British English. But it can also be used by
students of American, Australian or other kinds of English - the grammatical differences are very small
and unimportant.
How is the book organised?
There are 22 sections. A section covers one part of English grammar (for example: making questions
and negatives; present tense verbs; problems with nouns). Each section contains:
• a presentation page which introduces the point of grammar
• several short units with explanations and exercises
• two'More Practice'pages: these include'Grammar in a text'exercises and internet exercises
• a short revision test.
• seven 'Pronunciation for grammar' exercises at the end of the book
Q Grammar in a text. Put in a, an, the or nothing (-).
In i ........... 1969, in 2............Portland, 3.............Oregon, went to rob :
He didn't want 6........... people in to know what was happening, so he walked up to
one of 8........... cashiers, wrote on 9.............piece of 10.............paper,This is 11.............robbery and •
I'vegot 12........... gun', and showed 13.............paperto 14.............cashier.Then he wrote,'Take all
15........... money out of your drawer and put it in 16.............paper bag.' 17.............cashier read :.....................
is ............message, wrote at 19.............bottom of 20.............paper,'I haven't got 21.............paper bag' •
and gave 22........... paper back to 23.............robber. 24.............robber ran out of :
: Q Internet exercise: checking correctness. Use a search engine (e.g. Google).
How many hits are there for these expressions? So which are correct?
i "too much fast" "too fast" .
"everybody is" ................................................................... "everybody are"
"everything are" ................................................................. "everything is" .
"most people" ..................................................... "most of people"
Two levels
More basic units are marked 'Level 1'; more advanced units g present pj CN will: deci
are marked'Level 2'. cu
Wp ran lisp will
One way of using the book: to study particular points
If you want to know more about a particular point (for example present tenses, the difference between
should and must, or the position of adverbs), look in the index (pages 355-362) to find the right unit(s).
Read the explanations and do the exercises. Check your answers.