Page 246 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 246
Q GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY: time. Make sure you know the words in the box. Use a dictionary
if necessary.Then answer the questions, using more and less.
century day decade hour minute month second week year
! How much is a minute? thfli/v fli/v hour.
1 How much is a decade? ............................................................................................................................
2 How much is a month? .............................................................................................................................
3 How much is a week? ................................................................................................................................
4 How much is an hour? ..............................................................................................................................
5 How much is a day? ..................................................................................................................................
6 How much is a year? .................................................................................................................................
Q Grammar in a text. Read the text carefully, and then answer the questions.
John lives in Birmingham. He is a bus driver. He is very interested in history. He is taller than Tom, and better
looking, but he doesn't have as much money as Tom. Tom works in an import-export firm in Liverpool. He
collects antique furniture. He is deeply in love with Julia. He's much older than she is, but not as tall as she is,
and he's really not very good-looking. Julia's friend Hannah lives in Birmingham, near her cousin Pete. She's
exactly as old as he is, and they're both very interested in information technology. Pete runs a very successful
computer business. He has much more money than Tom, but not nearly as much as Hannah. He has dark hair
and blue eyes, and he's better looking than Tom, but not as tall as Tom. Pete and John are old friends. They
often play tennis together. John is twice as old as Pete (he's nearly as old as Tom), but he usually wins when
he and Pete play. They are both deeply in love with Julia. Julia works in a travel agency. She likes fast cars,
travel, horse-riding and fashionable clothes. She often goes on holiday with Hannah. Hannah usually pays for
the holidays, because Julia doesn't have as much money as Hannah. Hannah is taller than Julia, (but not as
tall as John) and very beautiful. Hannah is deeply in love with the tallest of the three men. Julia is deeply in
love with the oldest.
1 Who is Hannah in love with? .............................................
2 Who is Julia in love with? .............................................
3 Who is the richest of the five people? .............................................
Q Than, that or os? Complete the caption. Internet exercise. Use a search engine
(e.g. Google). Which of the following gets
most hits?
"beautifuller" ..?A.9R...............
"more beautiful" ......
"more happy" ............................
"happier" ............................
"older that" ............................
"older than" ............................
-> \n. "the highest mountain of Britain" ...........................
"the highest mountain in Britain" ............................
"the best player of the team" ............................
" J •"7
"the best player in the team" ............................
'There, dear! I think we've left the world a
better place.................we found it!'