Page 345 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 345

page 129                                                     2   1 hearing  2  smoking  3  going  4  watching
                                                                            5  washing  6  closing  7  working  8  getting

           1   1 is old enough to work  2  isn't old enough                 9  skiing  10  asking.
               to leave  3  isn't old enough to leave  4  is old
               enough to leave  5  isn't old enough to                  page 133
               6  is old enough to change  7  is old enough to
               drive                                                    3   1 Bob is quite good at running, but not very

                                                                            good at cycling.  2  Sue is not very good at

          2    1 He's not tall enough to play basketball.                   drawing, but very good at running.  3  Mark
               2  She's not old enough to vote.  3  I'm not strong          is quite good at swimming, and very good at
               enough to open this bottle.  4  My French is good            running.  4  Bob is bad at swimming, but quite
               enough to read a newspaper.  5  He isn't old                 good at singing.  5  Jane is very good at running,
               enough to go out by himself.  6  He's intelligent            and quite good at cycling.  6  Mark is not very
               enough to do well at university.                             good at singing, but quite good at drawing.
                                                                            7  Jane is not very good at drawing, but quite

          3    1 Helen's too ill to work.  2  My grandfather's              good at singing.  8  Sue is quite good at singing,
               too old to travel.  3  I'm too bored to listen any           and very good at swimming.
               longer.  4  Cara's too hot to play tennis.
               5  I'm too hungry to work.  6  I'm too tired to          5   1 Ellie stayed awake by drinking lots of coffee.

               drive.  7  I was too afraid to move.  8  Molly               2  Paul drank three glasses of water without
               was too ill last week to go to school. OR ... too ill        stopping.  3  Charles woke us up by turning the
               to go to school last week.  9  Our dog's too fat             TV on.  4  You can find out the meaning of a word
               to run.  10  My mother's too deaf to understand              by using a dictionary.  5  Mike paid for his new
               what people say.                                             house without borrowing any money.  6  Helen

                                                                            lost her driving licence by driving too fast, too
           page 130                                                         often.  7  Carl did all his homework without asking
                                                                            for any help.  8  Teresa cooks all her food without
           1   1 homework to do.  2  letters to post?  3  film              using any salt.

               to watch  4  dress to wear  5  shopping to do
               6  friend to see                                         page 134

          2    1 anything to wear.  2  somewhere to work.               1   1 taking  2  eating  3  shopping  4  driving

               3  nothing to do  4  nobody/no one to teach.                 5  stopping  6  working
               5  something to finish.  6  nowhere to go.
               7  somebody/someone to love.  8  anywhere to             2   1 They've just finished playing tennis.  2  All

               stay  9  somebody/someone/anybody/anyone                     that week, it kept raining.  3  It's just stopped
               to help  10  something to carry.                             snowing.  4  He's given up smoking.  5  He can't
                                                                            help thinking of/about Annie.  6  They're going
           page 131                                                         shopping.  7  She's practising writing.

           1   1 Skiing; reading.  2  Flying; going by train.           page 135
               3  Eating; washing.  4  Speaking; writing or
               Writing; speaking.  5  Understanding; listening.         3   1 washing  2  watching  3  working

               6  Shopping; shaving.  7  Working; resting.                  4  playing  5  wearing  6  studying
               8  Smoking; driving.                                         7  watching  8  shopping  9  cooking; eating

           4   2  NO CAMPING  3  NO SMOKING
               4  NO CYCLING  5  NO FISHING

           page 132

           1   1C 2 E 3D 4B 5 I 6 J 7G
               8  H  9  F

          330  ANSWER KEY
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