Page 347 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 347
page 144 2 1 Athens. 2 to Copenhagen. 3 go to Vienna.
4 'Let's go to Prague.' 5 'Let's go to Warsaw.'
1 1 I lent my bicycle to Joe yesterday. 6 'Let's go to Moscow.' 7 'Let's go to Marrakesh.'
2 I often read Lucy stories. 8 'Let's go to Istanbul.' 9 'Let's go to Bangkok.'
3 Carol teaches maths to small children. 10 'Let's go to Beijing.' 11 'Let's go to Mexico
4 Ruth showed the others the photo. City.' 12 'Let's go to Rio.'
5 Amanda often gives flowers to her mother.
6 Could you buy me a newspaper? page 148
7 I found my parents a hotel room.
8 Pass Mr Andrews this paper. 1 1 up 2 round 3 fill 4 turn 5 on 6 Put
9 Luke has written Joy a letter. 7 up 8 back. 9 Go 10 wake/get
10 I want to get Peter a good watch.
2 1 Could you wash the cups up? Could you wash
2 1 Sally gave Fred a book. 2 Fred gave Annie them up? 2 You can throw those papers away.
flowers. 3 Annie gave Luke a picture. You can throw them away. 3 Why don't you
4 Luke gave Mary a sweater. 5 Mary gave Joe a take off your coat? Why don't you take it off?
camera. 4 You need to fill this form in. You need to fill it in.
5 Please bring back my bicycle. Please bring it
3 1 find 2 Give; give 3 buy back. 6 Let me fill your glass up. Let me fill it up.
7 Please put that gun down. Please put it down.
page 145 8 I'll switch on the TV. I'll switch it on.
9 Can you cut the onions up? Can you cut them
1 1 has his tyres checked 2 has his oil changed up? 10 Pick up your coat. Pick it up.
3 has his car repaired 4 has his shoes cleaned
5 has his gardening done 6 has his letters typed 3 1 Alice sent €500 to her sister. 2 Sarah bought
the children ice creams. 3 Let's send a postcard
2 1 She should have it repaired. 2 He should to Granny. 4 Ruth showed the others the photo.
have them cleaned. 3 They should have it 5 I gave the secretary some flowers. 6 Can you
repaired. 4 He should have it cut. 5 They find me John's address? 7 I found Aunt Patsy a
should have it serviced. 6 She should have hotel. 8 Take Mrs Lewis these papers.
them checked. 7 He should have it repaired. 9 I've given all the information to George.
8 He should have it checked. 10 I want to buy my sister a nice present.
page 146 page 149
1 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 1 Come 2 worry. 3 Have 4 out! 5 Make
6 Help 7 Sleep 8 Follow 9 Have 10 forget
2 1 Turn 2 go 3 Turn 4 take 5 turn
5 1 Pick 2 Hold 3 Put 4 Let 5 fetch
3 1 Hurry up! 2 Be careful. 3 Help! 6 continue 7 throw 8 Get 9 Open
4 Have a good holiday. 5 Sleep well. 10 Get 11 Kneel 12 blow 13 Drink
6 Don't forget 7 Wait for me! 8 Have some 14 remove 15 Telephone 16 Find
more 9 Follow me 10 Don't worry.
11 Come in; sit down; make yourself at home. page 150
page 147 1 1 A, B, D 2 E 3 A, D 4 A, C 5 C 6 A
7 B, C 8 C, D 9 A, C 10 A, B, C, D
1 1 Let's not go for a walk. 2 Let's play tennis.
3 Let's play cards. 4 Let's go swimming. 2 1 to 2 at 3 for 4 about 5 for 6 for
5 Let's not go swimming. 6 Let's go skiing. 7 after 8 - 9 for 10 on 11 to 12 in
7 Let's watch TV. 8 Let's go to France/Paris. 13 to 14 at 15 to 16 - 17 to 18 -; on
19 about 20 from