Page 355 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 355

2    1 F office building  2  D dog food  3  A                 7   1 clothes shops  2  family business  3  Joe's
               computer engineer  4  B language school                      wife  4  sons'  5  daughter's  6  plastic tables
               5  E baby clothes  6  G knife drawer                         and chairs  7  have  8  Joe's  9  bus drivers
                                                                            10  chocolate cake

          3    1 a metal box  2  chocolate cakes  3  aplastic
               fork  4  vegetable soup  5  a leather jacket             page 208
               6  cotton shirts  7  a paper plate  8  tomato
               salad  9  a stone wall
                                                                        1   foxes, journeys, matches, books, tables, feet,
                                                                            people, knives, mice, dogs, days, families, women,
           page 205                                                         leaves, men, children, cars, wives, babies

          4    1 an office manager  2  a coffee maker                   2   1X 2X 3  ideas  4  ducks  5  X

               3  a coffee drinker  4  an animal lover  5  floor            6  journeys  7 X 8   governments
               cleaner  6  a tennis player  7  a letter opener              9  classes  10  X
               8  a cigar smoker  9  a mountain climber

                                                                        3   1 tennis player  2  are  3  an hour's sleep

          5    1 telephone book  2  teacher's book                          4  women's  5  countries  6  A large one
               3  Elizabeth's journey  4  train journey  5  aunt's          7  information  8  are  9  flower shop
               home  6  holiday home  7  brother's interview                10  phone book
               8  job interview

                                                                        4   1 milk chocolate  2  lives  3  bookshops
           page 206                                                         4  were the people or  was the person  5  sister's
                                                                            son  6  the blue ones  7  I'd like one  8  a
                                                                            football player  9  journeys  10  street market
           1   1 some  2  some  3  some  4  some  5  a                      11  my brother's  12  an animal doctor

               6  some  7  some  8  a  9  a  10  some
                                                                            13  Anna's mother  14  silver earrings
                                                                            15  orange juice  16  cities  17  door of the
          2    (possibleanswers)  trousers, jeans, tights, shorts,
               pants, pyjamas, glasses, scissors                            house  18  There's Peter's house.  19  Do you
                                                                            have Emma's address?  20  a big job

          3    1 / 2     /   3  /   4  /  5X 6   /  7/
               8  /   9  X  10  /                                       page 210

          4    1 That's Peter's house  2  children's  3  boys'          1   1 a beautiful little girl  2  in a red coat

               4  father's  5  boss's secretary or  secretary's boss        3  was walking through a dark forest  4  with a
               6  Jane and Peter's  7  parents'  8  teacher's               big bag  5  of wonderful red apples  6  to see
               9  John's  10  men's                                         her old grandmother  7  Under a tall green tree
                                                                            8  she saw a big bad wolf  9  with long white
          5    1 a shoe shop  2  orange juice  3  a leather                 teeth

               jacket  4  a train driver  5  a coffee table
               6  a window cleaner  7  newsreaders                      2   1 'Good morning, little girl,'said  2  the big bad

               8  a computer magazine  9  a street market                   wolf.  3  'Where are you going  4  with that
               10  a gold watch                                             heavy bag  5  on this fine day?'  6 'I'm going to

                                                                            see my old grandmother,'  7  said the little girl.
           page 207                                                         8'She lives in a small house  9  near the new

          6    1 bus driver  2  a mountain climber  3  a tennis

               player  4  a maths teacher  5  a dog trainer             3   1 friendly  2  little  3  stupid.  4  big
               6  a glass blower  7  a road cleaner  8  a
               butterfly collector  9  a computer programmer            page 211
               10  a bird watcher

                                                                        4   1 beautiful and intelligent  2  cold, hungry and

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