Page 360 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 360
page 237 pa ge 2 4 0
1 1 Because the rooms were dirty, I changed my 1 1 will have; go 2 will wait; arrives 3 come;
hotel. I changed my hotel because the rooms will be 4 will be; goes 5 get; will cook
were dirty. The rooms were dirty, so I changed 6 will send; receive 7 will be; are 8 go; will
my hotel. take 9 stops; will go 10 will have; gets up.
2 Because the taxi was late, we missed the train.
We missed the train because the taxi was late. 2 1 Because the teacher was ill, the children had
The taxi was late, so we missed the train. a holiday. The children had a holiday because
3 Because I didn't like the film, I walked out of the the teacher was ill.
cinema. I walked out of the cinema because 2 When I was in China, I made a lot of friends.
I didn't like the film. I didn't like the film, so I I made a lot of friends when I was in China.
walked out of the cinema. 3 Until they built the new road, it was difficult
to get to our village. It was difficult to get to our
2 1 Although I felt ill, I went on working. village until they built the new road.
I went on working, although I felt ill. 4 Although Jessica wrote three letters, Dylan
I felt ill, but I went on working. never answered. Dylan never answered,
2 Although she was very kind, I didn't like her. although Jessica wrote three letters.
I didn't like her, although she was very kind. 5 As soon as the work was finished, I phoned
She was very kind, but I didn't like her. him. I phoned him as soon as the work was
3 Although he's a big man, he doesn't eat much. finished.
He doesn't eat much, although he's a big man.
He's a big man, but he doesn't eat much. 3 1 I both swim and play tennis.
2 He either lives or works in Birmingham.
pa ge 2 3 8 3 My father speaks neither Greek nor French.
4 She likes neither pop music nor jazz.
5 She can have either orange juice or water.
1 1 My company has offices in London, Tokyo, New 6 I can neither sing nor dance.
York and Cairo. 2 I've invited Paul, Alexandra, 7 He's either Scottish or Irish.
Eric, Luke and Janet. 3 I'll be here on Tuesday, 8 He's studying both physics and biology.
Thursday, Friday and Sunday. 4 She's got five 9 This sofa is neither nice-looking nor comfortable.
cats, two dogs, a horse and a rabbit. 5 He plays 10 Anna neither looked at Henry nor spoke to him.
golf, rugby, hockey and badminton. 6 She
addressed, stamped and posted the letter.
pa ge 241
2 1 She has painted the kitchen, (the) living
room and (the) dining room. 2 Bob was 4 1 so 2 when 3 and 4 although
wearing a pink shirt, blue jeans and white 5 because 6 and 7 because 8 and
trainers. 3 Can you give me a knife, fork and 9 until 10 although 11 before
spoon, please? 4 Many people speak English in
India, Singapore and South Africa. 5 I've written 5 1 Karl plays neither the trombone nor the
and posted six letters this morning. saxophone. 2 Melanie plays both the cello and
the drums. 3 Neither Steve nor Karen play(s)
pa ge 2 3 9 the violin. 4 Both Joanna and Charles play the
guitar. 5 Karen plays both the piano and the
trumpet. 6 Sophie plays neither the guitar nor
1 1 I think that she's either Scottish or Irish. the trumpet. 7 Both Charles and Steve play the
2 I'd like to work with either animals or children. saxophone. 8 Neither Sophie nor Steve play(s)
3 He did well in both mathematics and history. the trumpet.
4 This car is neither fast nor comfortable.
5 She neither looked at me nor said anything.
6 I've got problems both at home and in my job.
7 You can either stay here or go home.
8 I like both (the) theatre and (the) cinema.
9 She speaks neither English nor French.
10 I don't understand either politics or economics.
In these answers, we usually give either contracted forms (for example I'm, don't) ANSWER KEY 345
or full forms (for example I am, do not). Normally both are correct.