Page 363 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 363

3    1 had not asked; would not have known                    2   1 an insect that doesn't make honey and can bite

               2  had been; would have gone                                 you  2  a bird that can't fly  3  a bird that eats
               3  would not have said; had known                            small animals and birds  4  an animal that flies at
               4  would have been; had said                                 night and hears very well  5  a machine that can
               5  had not got; would not have met                           fly straight up  6  a plane that doesn't have an
               6  would have died; had not taken                            engine  7  a thing that can fly to the moon
               7  had not been; would have gone
               8  had done; would have studied                          page 257
               9  would have gone; had had
              10  had not helped; would have been
                                                                        1   1 0   2  S  3 0   4 0   5 0   6  S  7 0   8  S

           page 254                                                     2   1 the languages she spoke  2  the sweater I

                                                                            wore  3  a man I helped  4  the weather we

           1   1 who  2  which  3  which  4  which  5  who                  have had  5  the car you bought
               6  which  7  which  8  who  9  who  10  which

               11  which  12  who                                       3   1 I'm working for a man I've known for twenty
                                                                            years.  2  They played a lot of music I didn't like.

          2    1 took  2  live  3  she is  4  lost  5  bought               3  The campsite we found was very dirty.  4  I'm
               6  is parked  7  it cuts  8  writes  9  make                 going on holiday with some people I
               10  I lent you                                               know.  5  That book you gave to me is very good.
                                                                            6  The ring she lost belonged to her grandmother.
           page 255                                                         7  I'm driving a car I bought 15 years ago.
                                                                            8  The papers you wanted are on the table.
          3    1 The man and woman who live in flat 1 play

               loud music all night.  2  The woman who lives            page 258
               in flat 2 broke her leg skiing.  3  The three

               men who live in flat 3 play golf all day.  4  The        1   1 the girl that I was talking about  2  the people
               students who live in flat 4 haven't got much                 that I work for  3  the house that I live in
               money.  5  The doctor who lives in flat 5 has                4  the music that you are listening to  5  the bus
               three children.  6  The man who lives in flat 6              that I goto work on
               drives a Rolls-Royce.  7  The two women who live

               in flat 7 are hiding from the police.                    2   1 the girl I was talking about  2  the people I
                                                                            work for  3  the house I live in  4  the music you

          4    1 The bus which goes to Oxford isn't running                 are listening to  5  the bus I go to work on
               today.  2  Yesterday I met a man who works with

               your brother.  3  The child who didn't come to           3   1 Eric is the man she works for.  2  Monica is the
               the party was ill.  4  Can you pick up the papers            woman she plays tennis with.  3  Karen is the
               which are lying on the floor?  5  The eggs which             woman she reads to.  4  Emily and Jack are the
               I  bought yesterday were bad.  6  Here's the book            people she babysits for.  5  Tom is the man she is
               which you asked me to buy for you.  7  I don't               in love with.
               like the man who is going out with my sister.
                                                                        4   1  The  man  she works  for  gave  her chocolates.
                                                                            2  The woman she plays tennis with gave her
           page 256                                                         a clock.  3  The woman she reads to gave her

                                                                            theatre tickets.  4  The people she babysits for
           1   1 John's got a motorbike that can do 200km an                gave her a picture.  5  The man she is in love

               hour.  2  Is that the computer that doesn't work?            with gave her flowers and earrings.
               3  Those are the trousers that I use for gardening.
               4  A man that lives in New York wants to marry
               my sister.  5  The doctors that looked at my leg
               all said different things.  6  The flowers that you
               gave to Aunt Sarah are beautiful.  7  The children
               that play football with Paul have gone on holiday.

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