Page 365 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 365
4 He thought (that) cats had nine lives. He thought 2 1 that place. 2 the week before. 3 the day
(that) his father knew everything. He thought before. 4 that day. 5 that night. 6 the next
(that) spaghetti grew on trees. He thought (that) day.
the teacher lived in the school. He thought (that)
he would be rich one day. He thought (that) his 3 1 He said he loved that place. 2 He said he'd
mother had always been old. seen a great film the day before. 3 He said he was
going to another party that night. 4 He asked if I
page 266 wanted to play tennis the next day. 5 He said his
girlfriend would be there the next week.
1 1 She asked him where he lived. 2 She asked
him where he worked. 3 She asked him where page 269
he was going. 4 She asked him where he had
been. 5 She asked him what the number of his 1 1 Dave asked Sandra to give him her phone
car was. 6 She asked him why he was driving number. 2 The boss told James to work late.
on the right. 3 Judy asked Kim not to tell Karen about Ryan.
4 Mr Sanders asked Fred not to smoke in his car.
2 1 She asked him whether it was his car. 5 The general told Colonel Walker to take
2 She asked him if/whether he had a driving 100 men and cross the river. 6 Ann told Polly
licence. 3 She asked him if/whether he had it not to study so hard.
with him. 4 She asked him if/whether he always
drove with the door open. 5 She asked him if/ 2 1 His girlfriend told him to write to her every day.
whether he was listening to her. 2 His mother told him to keep his room clean.
3 His father told him to work hard. 4 His sister
3 1 They asked him if/whether he was married. told him not to go to too many parties. 5 His
2 They asked him if/whether he had children. brother told him to get a lot of exercise. 6 His
3 They asked him where he had worked before. mother told him to change his shirt every day.
4 They asked him why he wanted to change 7 His father told him not to go to bed late.
his job. 5 They asked him if/whether he could 8 His brother told him to be careful with money.
speak any foreign languages. 6 They asked him 9 His sister told him not to play cards for money.
what exams he had passed. 10 His grandmother told him to eat properly.
page 267 page 270
1 1 they live in Greece. 2 she went to Belfast 1 1 He asked her if/whether he could have ice
yesterday. 3 he's been ill. 4 it's going to rain. cream for breakfast. 2 He asked her why the
5 she'll ask her sister. 6 they're going to be rich. stars only came out at night. 3 He asked her
7 if/whether lunch is ready. 8 where I put my why Daddy/his father had to work. 4 He
keys. 9 I'm getting a cold. 10 this is the right asked her where God was. 5 He asked her
answer. whether he would be taller than her one
day. 6 He asked her if she believed in Father
2 1 Can you tell me where I can buy tickets? Christmas. 7 He asked her if/whether Scotland
2 Do you know how much it costs? was in London. 8 He asked her when he would
3 Can you tell me if/whether John has phoned? be rich. 9 He asked her why French people
4 Can you tell me if/whether I must pay now? didn't speak English. 10 He asked her how big
5 Can you tell me if/whether Maria likes steak? the universe was.
6 Do you know where I parked the car?
2 1 She told him to wash his hands before
page 268 breakfast. 2 She told him not to eat with his
mouth open. 3 She told him to eat everything
on his plate. 4 She told him not to talk with his
1 1 now-then 2 this-that 3 tomorrow-the
next day 4 yesterday - the day before mouth full. 5 She told him to make his bed.
5 today-that day 6 tonight - that night 6 She told him to clean his room. 7 She told
7 last week - the week before 8 next week - him to polish his shoes. 8 She told him to put on
the next week a clean shirt. 9 She told him not to shout at his
sister. 10 She told him not to be late for school.