Page 370 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 370


               a, an: see articles                      against 280-281                            the and a/an 154-155
               a b/f with comparatives 225              ages with be 3                             the not used in generalisations
               a few                                    ago, for and since 307                       158-159
                 and a few of 181                       agree                                     with countable and uncountable
                 and few, a little and little 175         + infinitive 122-123                      nouns 153
               a little                                   agree with 305                         as
                 and a little of IS"]                   all                                       and like 307
                 with comparatives 225                    all, every and each 179                 as, than and that 308
               a lot                                      all, everybody and everything 178       jobs and roles 307
                 a lot (of) 174,181                       and all of 181                           not used without article 163
                 with comparatives 225                    position with noun or verb 178         as... as 228-229
               able: be able to 81                      along 282-283                             as I am or as me 228
               above 280-281                            already                                  as soon as 234
               across 282-283                             already, yet and still 308              with present tense for future
               active and passive 94                      position 64, 214-215                      meaning 41,236
                 active and passive verb forms            with present perfect 64                ask
                   300                                  also: position 214-215                    ask for 141,305
               adjectives 209-211; 216-220              although 234                              ask somebody to do something
                 after be, become, etc 211                and but 237                                125
                 and adverbs: the difference 212        always: position 214-215                 at (preposition of place) 279
                 comparatives and superlatives          and 234,238                               and in 279
                     221-226                              with adjectives 211                     at a party 306
                 ending in -ly 217                      angry about/with 305                      at the bottom/top/side 306
                 followed by infinitives 128            annoyed and annoying 216                  at the cinema/theatre 306
                 with enough/too + infinitive 129       another 307                               at, to and in 283
                 words that are both adjectives         any                                      at (preposition of time) 274-275
                     and adverbs 217                      and any of 181                          at the beginning 306
               adverb particles {away, back etc)          and some 170-171                        at/in the end 306
                   142-143                              anybody 172
               adverbs 212-215; 217                     anyone 172                               back: at the back 163
                 and adjectives: the difference         anything 172                             bad at(... ing) 133,305
                     212                                  anything to... 130                     baggage: uncountable 198
                 comparatives and superlatives          anywhere 172                             be 1-5
                     227                                aren't 17288,301                          auxiliary: see progressive,
                 of manner212                           arrive at/in 141,283,305                    passive
                 other adverbs 213                      articles 151-166                          be able to 81
                 position 214-215                         a and an 152                            be born 97
                 words that are both adjectives           a/an and one 153                        be careful 146
                     and adverbs 217                      a/an for jobs, roles etc 156            be in/out/away/back etc 142
               advice: uncountable 198                    a/an in descriptions 157                contractions 2, 3
               afraid                                     expressions without articles (e.g.       there is 6-7
                 afraid of 305                              in bed, have breakfast, next          with hungry, thirsty, ages etc 3
                 with be 3                                  Monday) 162-163                      because 234
               after                                      names 160-161                           and so 237
                 and afterwards 307                       not used with my etc 163,189            and why 308
                 with present tense for future            pronunciation 152                      become + adjective 211
                   meaning 41,236                         special cases 162-163

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