Page 372 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 372

expect                                   give                                       showing our feelings 291
                 + infinitive 122-123                     give back 143                            some useful questions 107
                 expect som ebody to do som ething        give som ebody som ething 144            the bathroom 190
                   125                                    give up g  134,143                 things from the office 297
               explain: structures 144, 305, 307        glasses  197                               things that come in twos 180
                                                        go                                         things that fly 256
               family: singular or plural verb 197        go g  134                          things that people can do 290
               farther, farthest 222                      go a w ay/back/in/out/on 142             time 231
               fast: adjective and adverb 217           going to 36-37                             towns 174
               feel + adjective 211                       gonna 301                                travelling by air 100
               fetch som ebody som ething 144           gone and been 61                           useful time-expressions with for
               few                                      good at(... ing) 133,305                     277
                 and few o f 181                        good luck 291                              vehicles 137
                 few, a few, little and a little 175    got: have g o t 11                         weather 187
               fill in (a form) 143                     gotta (='got to') 301                    group nouns 197
               fill up 143                              gram m ar and vocabulary
               find som ebody som ething 144              adjectives that go with particular     hair: uncountable 198
               finish g  134                          nouns 219                            happen to 141,305
               follow me 146                              adverbs of degree; subjects of         hard: adjective and adverb 217
               for                                          study 216                            hardly
                 and since 65                             animal behaviour 117                     used without not 115
                 for, since and ago 307                   animals, birds and other                 hardly ever: position 214-215
                 for, during and while 277                  creatures 155                        hate
               for example 306                            cities and countries 147                 + -ing form 135
               forget                                     clothes 33                               + infinitive 135
                 + infinitive 122-108                     common adjectives 176,177                not normally used in progressive
                 + infinitive or g  308             common adjectives with                     30-31
               friendly: adjective, not adverb 217          som ebody etc 183                    have 8 - 1 1
               frightened and frightening 216             common expressions with                  auxiliary: see perfect
               from                                   reflexive pronouns 191                 don't have to and mustn't 77
                 movement 283                             common imperative expressions            have a good journey/holiday 146
                 time 276                                   146                                    have breakfast, a shower, a good
               front: a t the fron t 163                  containers 199                             flig h t etc 10
               furniture:  uncountable 198                dates 275                                have got 11
               further, furthest 222                      discovery, invention, creation 55        have some (m ore)... 146
               fu tu re  35-44                            duration 285                             have som ething done 145
                 future passive 96                        eight useful things 91                   have to 76-78
                 going to 36-37                           games 19                               he 186-187
                 of be 5                                  giving directions 43                   hear
                 of have 9                                go with spare-time activities 215        and listen to 307
                 present progressive 38                   housework 71                             som ebody do/doing som ething
                 simple present 41                        interests 159                             308
                 will 39-40                               jewellery 261                          help
                                                          jobs 91                                  help yourself 190
               gerunds: see -ing form s                   kinds of things 156                      help! 146
               get: structures 140                        learning and using a language            help som ebody to do som ething
                 + adjective 211                            127                                      125
                 get into, o u t of, on, of f ' l l ] ,  305   materials 153,165                 her
                 get o u t 142                            musical instruments 241                  object pronoun 186-187
                 get som ebody som ething 144             names of languages 251                   possessive; her and his 188-189
                 get to a place 305                       one-word noun + noun                   hers  190
                 get up 142                                 structures 205                       herself 191
                 have g o t 11                            public notices 131                     him  186-187
                                                          relations 13                           himself 191
                                                          seven useful things 152

                                                                                                                        INDEX  357
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