Page 374 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 374

look                                     much                                     nothing 172
                 + adjective 211                          and many 173                             nothing to ... 130
                 look after/at/for 141,305                and much of 181                          used without not 115
                 look out! 142,146                        too much 177                           nouns 195-208
                 look round 142                           with comparatives 225                    + infinitive (e.g. letters to write)
                 look up (something in a                must 75, 77                                  130
                   dictionary etc) 143                    and should 79                            countable and uncountable
                 look, see and watch 308                  mustn't and don't have to 77               nouns 198-199
               lots (of)] 74,181                        my 188-189                                 group nouns 197
               love                                     myself 191                                 noun + noun 204-205
                 + 135                                                                      one(s) 200
                 + infinitive 135                       names with or without the                  possessives w ith's and s' 201-
                 not normally used in progressive           160-161                                 203,205
                   30-31                                near 280-281                               singularand plural 196
               lovely: adjective, not adverb 217        need                                     nowhere 172
               luck: uncountable 198                      + infinitive 122-123                     used without not 115
               luggage: uncountable 198                   need somebody to do something
                                                            125                                  of
               made of 153                                not normally used in progressive         or in after superlatives 226
               make                                         30-31                                  with determiners 181
                 and do 307                             negatives 112-115; see also the          off282-283
                 and let 307                                units on be, have, modal verbs       offer somebody something 144
                 make somebody something 144                and the various tenses               often: position 214-215
                 make yourself at home 146              neither                                  on (preposition of place) 278
                 make yourself comfortable 191            and neither of 181                       and in 278
               many                                       neither... nor239                        on foot 162
                 and many of 181                          neither can I etc 294                    on holiday 162
                 and much 173                             neither, either and both 180             on page 22,306
                 too many 177                           never                                      on the phone 306
               married to 305                             position 214-215                         on the radio 306
               may                                        tenses 62                                on TV 306
                 and might 82-83                          used without not 115                   on (preposition of time) 274-275
                 may not and can't 83                   news: uncountable 198                      on/in time 306
                 permission 85                          next                                     one and a/an 153
               me  186-187                                expressions without prepositions       one(s) 200
               me too 295                                   274                                  only
               mean: not normally used in                 next Friday etc: no article 162          only a little/few 175
                   progressive 30-31                    nice to 305                                position 214-215
               might and may 82-83                      no (= 'not any')                           the only 155
               million: a million 163                     and none (of) 181                      opposite 280-281
               mind 134                            and not 114                            orchestra: singular or plural verb
               mine 190                                   no 131                              197
               modal verbs 73-92, and see                 used without not 115                   ought to 79
                   entries for individual verbs         no one 172                               our 188-189
               monthly: adjective and adverb            nobody 172                               ours 190
                   217                                    used without not 115                   ourselves 191
               more                                     none (of) 181                            out of 282-283
                 and more of 181                        non-progressive verbs 30-31              over 282-283
                 in comparatives 222-225                nor can I etc 294
                 more than 225                          not                                      pair 197
               most                                       and no 114
                 and most of 181                          I hope not 31
                 in superlatives 222-223,226            not much/many and little/few
               mountains: the mountains 163                 175

                                                                                                                        INDEX  359
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