Page 376 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 376

say 'hello' to him/her for me 291        spelling                                 the: see articles
               say                                        adverbs in -ly 212                       with superlatives 223
                 and tell 264                             capital letters 300                    the country/mountains/sea 163
                 structures 144                           comparatives and superlatives          the same 163
               school: expressions without                  222                                  theatre: at/to the theatre 163
                   article 162                            -ing forms 23                          fhe/r 188-189
               scissors 197                               noun plurals 196                       theirs 190
               sea: the sea 163                           regular past participles 58            them 186-187
               see                                        'sand s'in possessives 201             themselves 191
                 see, look and watch 308                  simple past endings 46                 there is 6-7
                 somebody do/doing something              simple present endings 16                in question tags 289
                   308                                  spend (time) 134                   these 168-9
               seem                                     spoken grammar 287-298                   they 186-187
                 + adjective 211                          leaving out words 293                  think
                 + infinitive 122-123                     question tags 288-289,292                (don't) think so 31
                 not normally used in progressive         reply questions 291,292                  not always used in progressive
                   30-31                                  short answers 290, 292                     30-31
               send somebody something 144                so am I, nor can he etc 294-295          structures 308
               shall 39                                 stand up 142                               think about 141
                 shall l/we... ? 87                     start + infinitive 122-123                 think about/of 306
               she 186-187                              still                                    thirsty \N\xh be 3
               short answers 290,292                      position 214-215                       this 168-9
               should 79                                  still, yet and already 308               expressions without prepositions
                 and must 79                            stop 134                              274
               show somebody something 144              such and so 308                            this Monday etc: no article 162
               side: at the side 163                    suggest: structures 144                  those 168-169
               silly: adjective, not adverb 217         superlative: see comparative             thousand: a thousand 163
               simple past 46-50                        surprised and surprising 216             through 282-283
                 and past progressive 52-53             switch/turn on/off (lights,              throwaway 143
                 passive 97                                 electrical appliances) 143           till: see until
               simple present 16-22,28-31                                                        to (preposition)
                 and present progressive 28-29          take                                       to, at and in 283
                 for future 41                            take away 143                  '\33
                 passive 95                               take care of yourself 191              to with infinitive: see infinitives
               since and for 65                           take off (clothes) 143                 too
                 since, forand ago 307                    take somebody something 144              + adjective + infinitive 129
               singular and plural nouns 196            talk about 141,306                         and very 308
               sit down 142,146                         teach somebody something 144               too, too much/many and not
               sleep well 146                           team: singular or plural verb 197           enough 177
               smile at 306                             tell                                     too (= 'also'): / am too, me too 295
               SO 234                                     and say 264                            top: at the top 163
                 and because 237                          tell somebody something 144            translate into/from 306
                 and such 308                           tenses: see present, past etc            travel: uncountable 198
                 Ihope/thinkso 3}                         in indirect speech 264-265             trousers 197
                 so am I etc 294                          with time conjunctions 236             try+ infinitive 122-123
               some                                     than after comparatives 224                + infinitive or 308
                 and any 170-171                          than, as and that 308                  turn round 142
                 and some of 181                          than I am or than me 225               turn up/down (radio, TV, heater)
               somebody 172                             thank somebody for something                 143
               someone 172                                  306                                  TV: on TV 163
               something 172                            that (relative pronoun) 256,259          typical of 306
                 something to... 130                      that, as and than 308
               sometimes: position 214-215              that, this etc 168-169                   uncountable: see countable
               somewhere 172                              that’s a surprise/interesting/         under 280-283
               spaghetti: uncountable 198                     terrible 291

                                                                                                                        INDEX  361
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