Page 375 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 375

passives 93-102                         prefer                                   promise
             future 96                               + infinitive 122-123                     + infinitive 122-123
             introduction to passives 94             not normally used in progressive         promise somebody something
             passive and active verb forms             30-31                                    144
              300                                   prepositions 273-286                    punctuation 301-302
             present perfect 99                      +-/r?gform 132-133                     put down 143
             present progressive 98                  after particular verbs 141             put on (clothes) 143
             simple past 97                          of (place) 279                         pyjamas 197
             simple present 95                       at, in and on (time) 274-275
           past 282-283                              by and until 276                       question tags 288-289,292
           past continuous: see past                 common expressions with                question words 2,106-107
              progressive                              prepositions 306                      as subjects 108-109
           past participles (worked, broken,         for, during and while 277              questions 102-111
              seen etc)                              from (time) 276                    indirect questions 266
             in perfect tenses 58, 68                in and on (place) 278                    prepositions in questions 111
             in passives 94                          in questions 111                         question words 2,106-107
           past perfect 68-69                        in relative clauses 258                  question-words as subjects
           past progressive 51-53                    movement 282-283                           108-109
           past simple: see simple past              other prepositions of place 280-         questions with long subjects 110
           past tenses 45-56                           281                                    yes/no questions 104-105
            of be 4                                 present participles {-ing                 see also the units on be, have,
            of have 9                                  forms) in progressive                    modal verbs and the various
             past progressive 51-53                    (continuous) verb forms: see             tenses
             past progressive and simple past          present progressive, past
              52-53                                    progressive etc                      radio: on the radio 163
            simple past 46-50                      present perfect 58-67                    read somebody something 144
            with if 246-248                          forms 58-59                            reason for 306
          pay and pay for 141, 305                   passive 99                             reflexives {myself etc) 191
          people 196                                 present perfect and present 61,          and each other 191
            most people or most of the people          67                                   refuse + infinitive 122-123
              181                                    present perfect and simple past        relative pronouns {who, whom,
           perfect tenses 57-72                        compared 60-61                           which, that, what) and relative
            present perfect  58-65                   present perfect progressive                clauses 253-262
            present perfect progressive                66-67                                  leaving out relative pronouns
              66-67                                  time words 62-63                           257
            past perfect 68-69                       with already, yet and just 64            prepositions in relative clauses
           personal pronouns 186-187                 with since and for 65                      258
           phrasal verbs 142-143                   present progressive 23-29                  that 256,259
          pick up 143                                and simple present 28-29                 what 259
           place names with or without the           for future 38                            who and which 254-255
              160-161                                passive 98                               whom 255
          plan + infinitive 122-123                present simple: see simple               remember
          pleased with 305                             present                                + infinitive or 308
          plenty (of) 174,181                      present tenses 15-34                       not normally used in progressive
           plural nouns 196                         simple present 16-22                        30-31
          police: plural verb 197                    present progressive (continuous)       reply questions 291,292
          polite to 306                                23-27                                reported speech: see indirect
           possessive determiners and                the two present tenses                     speech
              pronouns 188-190                         compared 28-29                       right with be 3
            mine, yours etc 190                      non-progressive verbs 30-31            right: on the right 163
            my, your etc 188-189                     present and present perfect 61,        round 282-283
           possessive nouns w ith's and s'             67
              201-203,205                          prison: expressions without article      's and s' possessives 201-203,
          practise 134                          162                                      205
                                                   probably: position 214-215               same 308

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