Page 362 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 362

page 247                                                     page 250

               1    1 If I were you, I'd take a holiday.  2  If I were you,   1   (possible answers)
                    I'djoinaclub.  3  If I were you. I'd fly.  4  If I were      1  G  2  H  3  J  4  B  5  K  6 D   7F   8C
                    you, I'd call the police at once.  5  If I were you, I       9  E  10  I
                    wouldn't sell it.                                            (Other answers are possible.)

               2    1 If I were you, I'd start a business.  2  If I were    2    1 bought; would  2  go;'ll  3  lived; would

                    you, I'd put the money in the bank.  3  If I were            4  went; wouldn't  5  start; won't  6  win; will
                    you. I'd buy a sports car.  4  If I were you, I'd have       7  married; would  8  take;'ll  9  rains; won't
                    a big party.  5  If I were you, I'd travel round the         10  did; wouldn't
                    world.  6  If I were you, I'd stop work.

                    7  If I were you, I'd give the money away.              3    1 will  2  looks; it's  3  will; will; will take
                                                                                 4  will  5  won't  6  will

               page 248
                                                                            page 251
               1    1 lived  2  could  3  go  4  started     5  gave

                    6 need  7  gave  8  thought  9  was  10  go             4    1 had not drunk; would have slept
                                                                                 2  had had; would have gone

               2    1 have;'ll  2  had;'d  3  get; will  4  got;                 3  would have gone; had not met
                    would                                                        4  had not been; would have gone
                    5  did; would  6  do; will  7  go; won't                     5  would have caught; had run
                    8  went; wouldn't  9  does; won't  10  did; would            6  had stopped; would have lived
                                                                                 7  would not have asked; had needed
               page 249                                                          8  would have been; had stayed
                                                                                 9  would have worn; had known
                                                                                10  had had; would have gone
               1    1 had been  2  had worked  3  had taken

                    4  had not played  5  would have studied                5    ... the cat wouldn't have eaten her supper. If
                    6  Would (you) have crashed                                  the cat hadn't eaten her supper, she wouldn't
                    7  would not have slept                                      have gone to the shop to buy food. If she hadn't
                    8  had come; would have had                                  gone to the shop to buy food, she wouldn't have
                    9  had not broken down; would have been                      seen an advertisement for a secretary. If she
                   10  would (you) have studied; had liked                       hadn't seen an advertisement for a secretary, she
                   11  would not have got; had not wanted                        wouldn't have got a new job and met my father.
                   12  would (you) have helped; had asked

                                                                            6    1 If she goes to Egypt, she will have to learn
               2    1 If I had caught the 8.15  train, I would have sat          Arabic.  2  If she goes to Brazil, she will have to

                      by a beautiful foreign woman.                              learn Portuguese.  3  If she goes to Holland, she
                    2  If I had sat by a beautiful foreign woman, I              will have to learn Dutch.  4  If she goes to Kenya,
                      would have fallen in love and married her.                 she will have to learn Swahili.  5  If she goes to
                    3  If I had fallen in love and married her, I would          Greece, she will have to learn Greek.  6  If she
                      have gone to live in her country.                          goes to Austria, she will have to learn German.
                    4  If I had gone to live in her country, I would have
                      worked in her father's diamond business.
                    5  If I had worked in her father's diamond              page 252
                      business, I would have become very rich.

                    6  If I had become very rich, I would have gone          1   1 cleaned  2  knows  3  will come
                      into politics.                                             4  would understand  5  leave  6  would not sell
                    7  If I had gone into politics, I would have died in a       7  did not live  8  will translate  9  ask  10  gets
                                                                            2    1 if I pass  2  Correct.  3  ate  4  will see

                                                                                 5  Correct.  6  Correct.  7  he works
                                                                                 8  Correct.  9  if we are  10  Correct.

               In these answers, we usually give either contracted forms (for example I'm, don’t)               ANSWER KEY  347
               or full forms (for example lam, do not). Normally both are correct.
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