Page 356 - Oxford_English_Grammar_Course_Basic_2015
P. 356

5    1 That car looks expensive.'  2  'Jane seems            2    1 Do you often play cards?  2  Have you ever
                    happy.'  3  'I feel ill and tired.'  4  It gets dark very    been to Tibet?  3  Are you always happy?
                    early here in winter.  5  My parents are getting             4  Does the boss ever take a holiday?  5  Do you
                    old.                                                         usually eat in restaurants?  6  Is Barbara still ill?

               6    1 'The train is late.'  2  'He looks Australian.'       page 215

                    3  'Your hair looks beautiful.'  4  My memory is
                    getting very bad.'  5  I want to become rich and        3    (possible answers)
                                                                                 Eva never plays football. Tom plays football three
                                                                                 times a week. Eva plays tennis once a week. Tom
               page 212                                                          hardly ever plays tennis. Eva often goes skiing.
                                                                                 Tom never goes skiing. Eva goes to the theatre
               1    1 slow  2  interestingly  3  beautifully  4  easy            every week. Tom goes to the theatre two or three

                    5  perfect  6  badly  7  happy  8  angry                     times a year. Eva goes to the cinema three or
                    9  strong  10  quietly                                       four times a year. Tom goes to the cinema twice a
                                                                                 month. Eva never goes to concerts. Tom goes to

               2    1 finally  2  sincerely  3  loudly  4  thirstily             concerts every week.
                    5  probably  6  usually  7  nicely                           (Other answers are possible.)
                    8  wonderfully  9  coldly  10  unhappily
                    11  comfortably                                         4    go climbing 1 go swimming 8  go sailing 4  go

                                                                                 wind-surfing 12  go skiing 10  go skating 11
               page 213                                                          go fishing 3  go shopping 7  go to the opera 9
                                                                                 go to the theatre 2  go to concerts 5

               1    1 I read the letter carefully/slowly/yesterday.
                    2  I bought a computer yesterday.                         page 216
                    3  Write your name carefully/clearly.

                    4  You must see the doctor tomorrow.                    1    1 boring  2  bored  3  interested  4  interesting
                    5  He speaks four languages correctly/perfectly.

                    6  You didn't write the address clearly/correctly.      2    1 annoying  2  frightened; frightening
                    7  I don't like skiing much/slowly.                          3  exciting; excited  4  surprising; surprised
                    8  Please speak clearly and slowly.
                                                                            page 217

               3    1 extremely/terribly  2  completely
                    3  beautifully/very well  4  extremely/terribly         1    1 well.  2  early  3  hard   4  weekly    5  hardly

                    5  beautifully/very well  6  nearly
                    7  badly/terribly  8  extremely/terribly
                                                                            2    1 Daily  2  lately  3  fast  4  hardly   5  early

                                                                                 6  well  7  late  8  weekly   9  hard   10  lately
               page 214
                                                                            3    1 X 2   /   3/ 4 X 5         /

               1    1 Jake always eats fish. He even eats fish for

                    breakfast.  2  Ann often plays tennis, but she          page 218
                    only plays in the evenings.  3  Edward usually
                    puts tomato sauce on everything. He probably            1    1 He was driving a fast red car.  2  She speaks

                    puts it on ice cream.  4  I sometimes forget                 perfect Chinese.  3  She speaks Chinese
                    names. I never forget faces.  5  Jane hardly ever            perfectly.  4  I lost my keys yesterday.
                    gets angry, and she never shouts at people.                  5  I've got a very important meeting tomorrow.
                    6  I always get to the station on time, and the              6  Anna read Peter's letter slowly.  7  Tim plays
                    train is always late.  7  I will definitely phone you        the piano brilliantly.  8  Lucy is terribly unhappy.
                    tomorrow, and I will probably write next week.               9  They make very good ice cream here.
                    8  I usually drink tea. I sometimes drink coffee.            10  She's been happily unmarried for 15 years.
                    9  Your sister is certainly a good singer. She is also
                    a very interesting person.  10  My mother is still
                    asleep. I think she is probably ill.

               In these answers, we usually give either contracted forms (for example I'm, don't)               ANSWER KEY  341
               or full forms (for example / am, do not). Normally both are correct.
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